Monday, June 24, 2013

Homemade Larabars

My husband and I, around a year ago, were obsessed with larabars.  We eventually grew sick of them, and stopped eating them.  I was on and she talked about how homemade larabars are amazing compared to the store bought.  So I thought I'd give it a shot, and create my own recipes based on hers.  I tried an Apple Pie Larabar, but it was a bit mushier than I wanted, so I want to continue to tweak that recipe.  BUT my Coconut Cream Pie one came out AMAZING.  I'm obsessed with coconut, hubby on the other hand, not so much.

Coconut Cream Pie Larabar

Makes about 8 bars (more/less if you want bigger or smaller bars!)

1 cup of dates
1/2 cup of almonds (I used sliced because that is what I had)
1 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon water

1) Put all of the ingredients in a food processor (the picture to the right is the apple pie one), and blend it until all the ingredients are mixed together.  It forms sort of a sticky mass. You may need more water, just watch it as you blend it.
2) Pat out the mixture into a square, and cut into squares, rectangles, or roll into balls!
3) For longer storage keep it in the fridge.  It also makes them a bit firmer too, if you end up adding too much water.

P.S. I find that bulk nuts are much more cost effective than the ones pre-bagged.  Take a look at your grocery store and see if you can save any money!

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