Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Swiss Chard & Beets

Last night for dinner I used the swiss chard and beets from my weekly share of produce to make two separate side dishes.  With the swiss chard I made sauteed swiss chard with bacon and onions, and with the beets I made ginger orange beets.  I roasted a chicken as the main, and will be using those leftovers for another meal! Below are my recipes!!

Sauteed Swiss Chard with Bacon & Onion
(serves 3-4)

4 slices of bacon, diced
1/4 of a large onion, diced
1 large (or 2 small) cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 cup of white wine (I used champagne because I had some!) or chicken/veggie broth
1 bunch of swiss chard, stems removed & chopped
Salt & Pepper

1) In a saute pan, start cooking up the diced bacon at medium high heat.  No need to add any oil because the bacon will give off bunches of oil! Keep cooking until the bacon starts getting brown on the edges.
2) Add the diced onions.  Keep cooking until the onions start sweating it out, and the bacon continues to get more brown.  Then add the minced garlic.  Cook for a few minutes, don't let it go too long or the garlic will get bitter. If you want to add a little heat, feel free to add some crushed red pepper here too!

3) Turn the heat down to medium.  Pour in the white wine or broth, use it to help pick up all the browned bits at the bottom.  *please note, please be careful using alcohol if you are using a gas stove.  Remove the pan from the gas burner, then pour in alcohol, and return it to the burner.  Or else you will have a wonderful flaming show!*
4) Add the swiss chard to the pan.  When I rinsed the swiss chard, I didn't let the leaves totally dry so that the water can also assist the cooking.  Sprinkle a little salt (the bacon adds plenty of salt) and pepper.  Put a lid on the pan and let the swiss chard cook down.  Check it every few minutes and toss it around so the yummy flavors soak in it! The dish is done once the stems and leaves are softened!

Ginger Orange Beets
(serves 2)

To Roast the Beets:
6 small beets (or a few large ones)
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

For the Vinaigrette:
4 tablespoons of olive oil (or any oil you have)
2 tablespoons of rice wine vinegar
Zest from half of an orange
2-3 tablespoons of fresh orange juice (from the half you zested)
1/2 teaspoon of minced ginger
Salt & Pepper
1/2 orange, segmented

1) Preheat the oven to 425 degree fahrenheit.  Cut the tops and bottoms off of the beets, wash them with a wet paper towel.  Since the beets were so small I put them in a foil packet all together.  Rip off a piece of foil, put the beets on there, drizzle a little olive oil and salt & pepper.  Fold up the foil and make a packet, but leave air around the beets.

2) Put the packet on a sheet pan and roast them in the oven for about 55 minutes.  If you are using large beets you will have to cook them off a little longer.
3) Meanwhile, make the vinaigrette. Put all of the ingredients, except for the segmented orange, into a bowl and whisk until it emulsifies and creates a smooth dressing.  Cut up the other 1/2 orange into segments (meaning cut around the skin so you just have the yummy pieces of fruit) put that into the vinaigrette.
4) Once the beets are done and have been cooled, use a paper towel or a dish towel you don't mind turning hot pink, and rub off the skin.  It will come easily off.
5) Cut the beets into quarters, and add to the dressing and toss.  This salad can be served warm or cold.